
International Project Office

International activities in Voronezh State Technical University claim to be an inherent part in training of highly qualified specialists fluent in domestic and foreign technologies, full of innovative ideas, well acquainted with world construction practice, with broad outlook and competitive on the global labor market.

The main objectives of International Project Office are organization and coordinated participation of VSTU in international cooperation programs, as well as the development of international cooperation programs aimed at improving the quality of educational programs, enhancing the international prestige of the University.

The main tasks of the International Project Office (IPO) are:

·             implementing the strategic plan on internationalization as it affects staff and students;

·             preparing and evaluating agreements with international partner universities;

·             administering and promoting various educational programs ;

·             administering and promoting staff and student mobility;

·             providing information to students and staff on international mobility opportunities

Within the framework of international agreements with foreign partner universities, more than 100 students, graduate students and university teachers participate in international exchange programs annually. More than 150 university teachers participate in international programs of advanced training and internships. A large number of students and teachers of VSTU take part in international conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and forums throughout a year.