
Innovative Activities

22 small innovative enterprises have been established and are now operating in order to develop innovative activities and commercialize scientific developments carried out by the scientists of VSTU. The most dynamic of them are:


 Scope of Activity

OOO Scientific and Technological Center of Micro- and Nanotechnologies

 Scientific research and development in the area of natural and technical sciences, manufacturing semiconductor devices including photosensitive and optoelectronic devices.

ООО Research and Production Enterprise Aviaproekt

Development, design and testing of aviation systems and structures, development of technologies for aviation components and assemblies production.

OOO DM Solution

Software development and consulting, scientific research and development in the area of natural and technical sciences, hardware consulting and other computer related activities, database creation and use.

ООО VGASU Stroiengineering 


Study and adjustment of the best soil construction practices to the Russian environment; Manufacture of concrete products for construction.


Research and development work in the area of geodesics, cadastre, monitoring, valuation etc. within the company's scope of activity.