
Academy for Construction Sector Development

The purpose of Research and Project Institute is to organize, develop and increase the effectiveness of scientific and production (experimental design and project) activities, ensure full implementation and development of both scientific and production potential and material and technical base of the university.

The Institute bases its organizational work on the development of scientific and production activities of the University on the following principles:

  1. Promotion of the regional innovative infrastructure formation focused on implementation of the priority areas of social and economic development of the country (region) as well as the priority areas of scientific, technological and technical development of the Russian Federation;

  2. Support and promotion of fundamental and applied research activities, as well as research and development work in priority areas of scientific, technological and technical development of the Russian Federation, carried out by employees and students of the university for enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership;

  3. Support and development of the university innovative activities including small innovative business activities;

  4. Support of training and re-training of teaching, academic and business staff ensuring high quality of such training.

Head of Research and Project Institute

Valerii Yakovlevich Mishchenko 

394006 Voronezh, 20 let Oktyabrya st., 84, The Innovation Business Incubator Center, room 103


Tel.: +7 (473) 207-22-20