
E-learning resources

Lecture  "Compositional aspects of built environment in Voronezh", Dr. of Architecture, Prof. Karamzin Yu.I. - 27.03.2012.

Lecture "Transportation problems in Voronezh and possible solutions, Prof. Sambulov V.А. - 28.03.2012 . 

Lecture " Underground urbanistics: issues of intensification of urban space use, optimization of traffic flows", Cand. of Architecture, Prof. Chernyavskaya Е.M. - 03.04.2012. 

Lecture "Modern developments in architecture development of residential and public buildings in Voronezh" Assoc. Prof. Limar G.А. - 05.04.2012.

Lecture "Voronezh. Architectural space: history and contemporaneity", senior lecturer Kokorina Е.V. - 06.04.2012.

Lecture "Urban development plan of Voronezh: challenges, achievements, problems"
 Assoc. Prof. Vlasov Yu.М. - 12.04.2012. 

Lecture "Urban ecology: priority areas and methods", Cand. of Architecture, Prof. Firsova N.V. - 17.04.2012.

    Lecture "The role of N.V. Troitskiy and А.V. Mironov in postwar architecture development of Voronezh", Prof. Chesnokov G.А. - 18.04.2012.

   Lecture "Innovations in exploitation of natural and urban areas (ideas, projects, experience)", Part. 1, Assoc. Prof. Churakov I.L. - 26.04.2012.
Lecture "Innovations in exploitation of natural and urban areas (ideas, projects, experience)", Part 2, Assoc. Prof. Churakov I.L - 26.04.2012 

 Lecture "Current state and development trends of Voronezh architecture (morn buildings and projects)", Prof Gilev S.А. - 16.05.2012. 


                                                  ELECTRONIC RESOURCES

                          Professional databases and information referral systems


Brief description

Access mode

Archive of scientific journals NEIKОN

The archive of the National Electronic Information Consortium (NP NEICON) includes a full collection of about 40 journal series and yearbooks from leading publishing houses, which publish major review articles on achievements in the field of natural and social sciences. More than half of these journals have the highest level of citations by Impact Factor (Science Citation Index), taking the first places in their categories.

Open access



The largest Russian information and analytical portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, which provides access to abstracts and full texts of more than 29 million scientific articles and publications, including electronic versions of more than 5,600 Russian scientific and technical journals, of which over 4,800 are available in the public domain.

SCIENCE INDEX is an information and analytical system based on the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RINC) that offers a range of additional services for authors of scientific publications, scientific organizations and publishing houses. SCIENCE INDEX gives an opportunity to conduct comprehensive analytical and statistical research of the publication activity of Russian scientists and scientific organizations and obtain more accurate and objective assessment of the results of scientific activities of individual scientists, research groups, organizations and their departments.

Subscription is necessary

The information portal contains millions of articles by thematic areas.

There are 53 thematic areas, 600 sources, 8 federal districts of Russia, 235 countries and territories. Thousands of news in Russian, fresh news every day, millions of stories from news agencies and business press in 20 years.

Open access


The world's largest universal database of abstracts with the ability to search an index of citations between publications (including 4.9 million conference reports, journals, etc). The SCOPUS database is one of the main sources of scientometric data for evaluation studies at state and/or corporate level. The database contains 23700 publications from 5000 international publishers in natural, social and human sciences, technology, medicine and art.

Subscription is necessary

Web of Science

Scientometric reference database of journals and conferences. Web of Science platform provides access to a wide range of world-class research literature and discover new information through meticulously recorded metadata and links.

Subscription is necessary

INION RAN database

Bibliographic databases of INION RAN on social and humanitarian sciences have been maintained since the early 1980s. The extensive dataset comprises 3 million 800 thousand records (as of January 30, 2019). The annual growth is about 100 thousand records.

The database includes annotated descriptions of books and articles from journals and collections in 140 languages, received by the Fundamental Library of INION RAN.

Descriptions of articles and books in the database are provided with the storage code and references to full texts which can be found in the Scientific Digital Library (

Open access

Gumer library

Digital Library, includes such sections as: World history, Journalism, History of Russia, History of the ancient world, Cultural studies, Literary studies, Science, Pedagogy, Political science, Law and jurisprudence, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Fiction, School Literature, Economics and Management, Linguistics. There is a name index and lists of new arrivals.

Open access

Information system "Single window of access to educational resources"

The resource provides open access to the integrated catalog of educational Internet resources, to the electronic library of educational and methodological materials for general and professional education and to the system of federal educational portals. The platform unites various open access resources for all levels of education in Russia into a single information space. The "Library" section presents more than 17 000 educational and methodological materials developed and published by universities, research organizations, further education institutions and other educational institutions in Russia. The materials are presented in PDF, DJVU and HTML formats.

Open access


The scientific digital library is based on the Open Science movement that is focused on popularization of science and scientific activities, public quality control of scientific publications, development of interdisciplinary research, a modern institute of scientific review, increasing citation index of Russian science and development of knowledge infrastructure.

Open access

RFBR (Russian foundation for basic research)

The RFBR website contains a list of unique information resources as well as the order of access to them.

Access to information resources of foreign publishing houses is provided only to those organizations that carry out research projects of the RFBR.

Open access

University information system Russia

Thematic digital library and a base for research and training courses in economics, management, sociology, linguistics, philosophy, philology, international relations and other humanities.

Open access


The StroyConsultant system is an online collection of regulatory documents on construction in force in the Russian Federation. The platform is a props and full-text search database of regulatory, technical and legal documents in the field of construction.

Connection by IP-address of the university, a reading room


The ConsultantPlus system is a reliable assistant for many specialists: lawyers, accountants, heads of organizations, as well as for specialists of government agencies, scientists and students. The platform contains a huge array of legal and reference information.

Connection by IP-address of the university, a reading room

GOST free database

There are three databases on the platform, with GOST standards and NTD:

State Standards - An updated database of GOST, fully corresponding to the catalog of FSUE "Standardinform";

Normative and technical documentation - updated base of NTD, normative and technical documents and literature;

Archive of construction documentation - not updated catalog of documents, contains documentation until 2011.

The documents are available for viewing in text format, and downloading as scanned copies and PDF.

Open access