
Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

The Faculty was founded through the merger of the Faculty of Aviation, the Faculty of Automation and Robotization of Mechanical Engineering and The Faculty of Physics and Technology of Voronezh State Technical University.

The faculty offers an advanced system to train experts for aviation, aerospace, oil and gas and machine-building industries. Within the faculty and its departments we have exceptional academic staff, which is comprised of heads and leading specialists of region’s core enterprises. Study with us and you will be given an opportunity to start your career as a consummate professional who can provide innovative Russia with economic strength.  


The Department of Automated Equipment of Machinery Manufacturing Industry

The Department of Machine Building Technology 

The Department of Welding Engineering and Diagnostics

The Department of Aeronautical Engineering

The Department of Rocket Engines   

The Department of Oil and Gas Equipment and Transportation 

The Department of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 


Ryazhskih Viktor Ivanovich
Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Address: 394026, Voronezh, Moskovsky av., 14, 2nd floor, rooms 227, 225

Tel.: +7(473) 246-27-72 or +7(473) 272-92-88
