
Master's degree courses

Academic Programmes

 Master's degree 3++

07.04.01 Architecture
Module: Current trends in the Theory and Practice of Architecture (3++)
07.04.02 Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage (3++) Module: Reconstruction and Restoration of Architectural Heritage (3++)
07.04.03 Architectural Environment Design 
Module: Architectural Environment Design (3++)
07.04.04 Urban Construction
Module: Architectural and Urban Planning Research and Design of Ecological Systems "population-environment" (3++)
Module: Modern Concepts and Practices of Urban Planning (3++)
Module: "Smart city" and Сomfortable Urban Environment
08.04.01 Сonstruction
Module: Сonstruction of Highways (in English) (3++)
Module: Ventilation of Industrial Enterprises and Facilities of the Fuel and Energy Complex (3++)
Module: Construction, Operation and Monitoring of Buildings and Structures (in English) (3++)
Module: Buildings of Energy-efficient Life Cycle (3++)
Module: Engineering and Geological Surveys for Construction (3++)
Module: Engineering systems for water supply and sanitation (3++)
Module: Safety Control of Engineering Systems in Construction and Housing and Communal Services (3++)
Module: Control and supervision in construction (3++)
Module: Marketing of Building Materials, Products and Structures (3++)
Module: Advanced Materials Technologies for Industrial Construction (3++)
Module: Fire and Industrial Safety in Construction (3++)
Module: Design of Civil Buildings Using Modern Design and Energy-saving Solutions (3++)
Module: Design of Buildings and Structures for Special Construction Conditions (3++)
Module: Design and Construction of Structures in Ground Environments (3++)
Module: Design and Construction of Gas and Oil Pipelines and Gas and Oil Storage Facilities (3++)
Module: Design and Construction of Energy Networks (3++)
Module: Design, Manufacture and Diagnostics of Metal Structures of Buildings and Structures (3++)
Module: Design, Construction and Operation of Highways (3++)
Module: Calculation and Construction of Buildings and Structures for Industrial and Civil Purposes (3++)
Module: Resource Conservation and Ecology of Building Materials, Products and Structures (3++)
Module: Systems for Ensuring the Microclimate of Buildings and Structures (3++)
Module: Improving Research and Design Technologies for Transport Structures (3++)
Module: Construction and Operation of Sports Facilities (3++)
Module:Judicial Сonstruction, Technical and Cost Expertise of Real Estate Objects (3++)
Module:Theory and Practice of Organizational, Technological and Economic Solutions (3++)
Module:Theory and Design of Buildings and Structures (3++)
Module: Heat and Gas Supply of Settlements and Enterprises (3++)
Module: Technical Operation and Reconstruction of Buildings and Structures (3++)
Module: Technological Aspects of Innovative Directions of Development of the Construction Complex (3++)
Module: Project Management (3++)
Module: Pricing and Cost Engineering in the Construction and Investment Sector (3++)
Module: Environmental Safety in Construction (3++)
Module: Economics and Management in the Investment and Construction Sector (3++)
Module: Energy Saving and Energy Security of Engineering Systems and Structures of Heat and Gas Supply (3++)
Module: Effective Building Structures and Products (3++)
Module: Design of Buildings and Structures (in English) (3++)
Module: Pricing and Cost Engineering in the Construction and Investment Sector
Module: Computational Analysis of the Structures of Artificial Constructions of Roads and Railways
Module: Modern Technologies for Designing Roads and Bridges
Module: Examination of the Quality and Marketing of Building Materials
09.04.01 Сomputer Science and Technology
Module: Product Life Cycle in a Single Information Space of Digital Production (3++)
Module: Intelligent Computer-aided Design and Control Technologies (3++)
Module: Distributed Automated Systems (3++)
09.04.02 Information systems and technologies Module: Information Systems and Technologies in Product Lifecycle Management (3++)
Module: Information Analysis and Synthesis of Industrial Design Objects (3++)
Module: Development of Web-based Information Systems (3++)
11.04.01 Radio Engineering Module: Radio Engineering Tools for Processing and Protecting Information in Communication Channels (3++)
11.04.03 Design and Technology of Electronic Means Module: Computer-Aided Design and Technology of Special-purpose Radio-electronic Means (3++)
Module: Information Technologies for Designing Electronic Tools  (3++)
11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics  Module: Devices in Micro-and nanoelectronics (3++)
12.04.01 Instrument Engineering Module: Computer-Aided Design of Devices and Complexes (3++)
12.04.04 Biotechnical Systems and Technologies Module: Intelligent Management Systems in Healthcare (3++)
13.04.01 Heat Power and Heat Engineering Module: Technology for Designing and Manufacturing Electric Machines (for stable operation under specified conditions, taking into account the geometry of the air gap)
Module: Management of Distributed Regional Power Supply Facilities
Module: Electric Drives and Control Systems for Electric Drives
Module: Electric Power Systems
13.04.02 Electric Power and Electrical Engineering Module: Heat Power and Heat Engineering
Module: Industrial Heat Power Engineering
21.04.01 Oil and Gas Business Module: Oil and Gas Business
Module: Modeling and Optimization of Work Processes in Energy Systems of Gas and Oil Pipelines
28.04.01 Nanotechnology and Microsystem technology Module: Nano - and Microsystem Technology
42.04.01 Advertising and Public Relations Module: Advertising and Public Relations in Industry and Manufacturing
42.04.02 Journalism Module: Media and the Internet

Master courses of Applied Science degree

05.04.06 Ecology and nature management Module: Environmental Expertise (PM)
07.04.03 Architectural Environment Design  Module: Architectural Environment Design
08.04.01 Construction Module: Design, Сonstruction and Operation of Highways 
Module: Improvement of Technologies for Research and Design of Transport Structures
Module: Energy-efficient Life-cycle Buildings
Module: Engineering and Geological Surveys for Construction
Module: Design of Civil Buildings Using Modern Design and Energy-saving Solutions
Module: Design of Buildings and Structures for Special Construction Conditions
Module: Design and Construction of Structures in Ground Environments
Module: Design, Manufacture and Diagnostics of Metal Structures of Buildings and Structures
Module: Judicial construction and technical and cost expertise of real estate objects
Module: Theory and practice of organizational-technological and economic solutions
Module: Theory and design of buildings and structures
Module: Technological aspects of innovative directions of development of the construction complex
Module: Economics and management in the investment and construction sector
Module: energy Saving and energy safety of engineering systems and structures for gas supply
Module: Effective building structures and products
Module: resource Conservation and ecology of building materials, products and structures
Module: Ventilation of industrial enterprises and facilities of the fuel and energy complex
Module: Engineering Systems for Water Supply and Sanitation
Module: Safety Control of Engineering Systems in Construction and Housing and Communal Services
Module: Control and Supervision in Construction
Module: Fire and Industrial Safety in Construction
Module: Design and Construction of Gas and Oil Pipelines and Gas and Oil Storage Facilities
Module: Design and Construction of Energy Networks
Module: Systems for Ensuring the Microclimate of Buildings and Structures
Module: Heat and Gas Supply of Settlements and Enterprises
Module: Technical Operation and Reconstruction of Buildings and Structures
Module: Environmental Safety in Construction
Module: Heat Power and Heat Engineering
09.04.01 Computer Science and Engineering Module: Product Lifecycle in a Single Information Space of Digital Production
09.04.02 Information Systems and Technologies Module: Development of Web-based Information Systems
Module: Information Systems and Technologies in Construction
09.04.03 Applied Informatics Module: Applied Informatics in Construction
11.04.03 Design and technology of electronic devices Module: Computer-Aided Design and Technology of Special-purpose Radio-electronic Devices
13.04.01 Heat Power and Heat Engineering Module: Heat Power and Heat Engineering
15.04.01 Engineering Module: Modern Production Technologies in Mechanical Engineering
15.04.04 Automation of Technological Processes and Productions Module: Design of Automated Control Systems for Buildings and Structures
 16.04.01 Technical physics  Module:  Low Temperature Physics and Engineering
 20.04.01 Technosphere security  Module: Protection of the Environment of Populated Areas and Industrial Enterprises
Module: Environmental Engineering
Module: Supervision and Inspection of Labor Safety in Construction 
Module: Fire Safety
Module: Management of Safe Handling of Production and Consumption Waste
Module: Managing the Safe Development of the Technosphere
 21.04.01 Oil and Gas Business  Module: Oil and Gas Business
 21.04.02 Land Management and Cadastre Module: City Cadastre
 21.04.03 Geodesy and Remote Sensing Module: Engineering Geodesy
 23.04.02 Ground Transport and Technological Complexes Module: Lifting and Transport, Construction, Road Machinery and Equipment
 23.04.03 Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes Module: Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes
 27.04.01 Standardization and Metrology Module: Standardization and Quality Management in Construction
 27.04.02 Quality Management  Module: Quality Management in the Aircraft Industry
 27.04.05 Innovatics. Module: Managing Innovative Projects and Programs
 38.04.10 Housing and Communal Infrastructure Module: Management, Operation and Service in Housing and Communal Services