1. The original scientific articles in Russian with a total volume of 0.5 to 1 p. s. are accepted for consideration. The article should be submitted in electronic and printed form.
2. The text of the article is provided in A4 format . Page margins: upper – 2,5 cm; the bottom – 2,5 cm; right - 2 cm; left - 2 cm.
Text font - Times New Roman, line spacing 1.0. The font size of the main text 11. Abstract, keywords, funding, captions, information about authors - 9 font. It is allowed in formulae, tables and drawings to reduce the font size to 9.
3. Indentation - 0,8 cm. Abstract, keywords and funding should be located with an additional margin of 0.8 cm from the left edge.
4. On the first page of the text, you must specify the UDC (in the upper left corner of the sheet from the margin); the title of the article (8-10 words without any shortenings and abbreviations, in capital letters), initials and surname of the author (s); full name of the work place of the author (s) indicating the city and country; followed by an abstract, keywords (from 5 to 10), as well as funding and acknowledgement (if any).
5. Abstract (essay) to the article should be: informative (do not contain general words); original; (to reflect the main content of the article and the results of the research); structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article); Compact (fit into the volume of 150 to 250 words). Abstract emphasizes the scientific novelty of the studies and their results, reflects the logic of the article (that is, it touches on the main stages of research). The "English" abstract should be written in qualitative language.
6. The main text of the article should be structured according to the principle of highlighting its significant elements (introduction, statement of the problem, research methods, results, conclusions, etc.). The main text and references are represented on the sheet in two columns, each 8 cm wide (1 cm inter-column distance).
7. Tables are arranged according to the text. If the article has one table, then the word "Table" in the title is not written. If there are several tables in the article, then above the title of the table on the right is written "Table 1". Reference to the table in the text is made as follows: "Table. 1".
8. Execution of drawings in BMP format. The captions are not part of the drawings, but are arranged in a separate text. The recommended width of the pictures is not more than the width of the column. The letters and numbers in the figure must be legible. If there are several figures in the article, then "Fig. 1." is written before the title. The link to the drawing is formatted as follows: "Fig. 1". If there is one drawing in the article, then the word "Fig. 1 "is lowered under the drawing.
9. The formulae are numbered in parentheses (2), the footnotes are in Arabic numerals.
10. The terms used in the work, units of measurement and symbols should be generally accepted. All designations used by authors (with the exception of well-known constants like e, h, c, etc.) and abbreviations should be determined at the first time they are mentioned in the text.
11. All references in the material should be indicated in square brackets - [1]. The text of the article should contain references to all used literary sources as they are mentioned. The references are made in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5-2008 Bibliography link. Desirably, literature self-citation should not exceed 30%.
12. After the references, it is necessary to arrange information about each author, including the decipherment of the names, the denotation of the academic degree, the title and position, the full name of the place of work, the full address of the organization, contact information (e-mail, telephone number), and a link to the author’s profile in ORCID.
13. Then next is the English-language information block, which contains the translation of the title, full names of authors, full names of authors' work places, abstracts, keywords, funding, literature and information about the authors.
14. The article must be provided with a license agreement, a questionnaire, an expert opinion on the possibility of open publication, and preferably an additional review by a specialist.
State educational establishment of higher professional education Voronezh state technical University
Address of the publisher and founder:
394006, Russia, Voronezh, 20-letiya Oktyabrya str., 84,
Editorial address:
14, Moscow Avenue, Voronezh, 394026Phone:
7(473)207-22-20 доб. 6170