
Bulletin of Voronezh state technical University

 The Bulletin of Voronezh State Technical University is a peer-reviewed scientific magazine published since 2000. It was established by the Voronezh State Technical University. The journal is registered by the Federal service for supervision of communications, information technology, and mass media (registration certificate PI № FS 77 – 74159 02 November 2018)

ISSN 1729-6501

Impact factor of RINC 2020 - 0,298

The magazine is published 4 times a year:

  • March 25
  • June 25
  • September 25
  • December 25

If the release of a magazine is scheduled for a weekend or holiday, its publication is postponed to the first working day after the weekend.

The deadline for submitting articles is no later than two months before the publication.

The Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Science and High  Education of the  Russian Federation included the "Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University" to the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications. HAC recommends publishing the results of postgraduate and doctoral research in the bulletin.

The Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University is included in the Russian citation index and is available at the “E-library”.

The Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University publishes original works, review articles, essays and discussions on the wide range of research areas in mechanical engineering and metalworking, radio engineering and communications, informatics, computer engineering and control.

The magazine appeals to engineers, scientists, managers of industrial enterprises and research organizations, teachers, graduate and post-graduate students and to technical universities as a whole.

The bulletin presents articles on the following areas of research conducted at the University:

· Mechanical engineering and science of machines 

· Radio engineering and communication

· Informatics, computer engineering and control 

Based on the following academic specialties and corresponding branches of science, the resource is included in the “List of reviewed scientific publications”, in which the main scientific results of the dissertations for the ‘Degree of Candidate of Science’ and for the ‘Degree of Doctor of Science’ should be published:

2.5.3.  - Friction and run-out in the mechanisms (technical sciences),
2.5.5. - Technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing (technical sciences),

2.5.6.  Engineering technology (technical sciences),

2.5.7.   Technologies and mechanisms for pressure treatment (technical sciences),

2.5.8.   Welding, the processes and technologies related to welding (technical sciences),

2.2.13. Radio engineering, including television systems and devices (technical

2.2.14.  Aerials, microwave devices and applied technologies (technical sciences),

2.2.15.  Systems, networks and telecommunications devices (technical sciences),

2.3.1.  System analysis, management and information processing based on industrial areas (technical sciences),

2.3.3.   Automation and management of technological processes and branche basedproduction (technical sciences),

2.3.5.  Mathematical and software of computers, computer complexes and networks (technical sciences),

1.2.2.   Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes (technicalsciences),

05.13.15  Computers, complexes and networks (technical sciences) (before October, 2022).

The bulletin presents articles that were not published earlier in any other scientific publicationsBulletin uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers.

The editorial board of the bulletin takes final decision on the publications. 

All the materials posted are free of charge.  The full access to the electronic version of the bulletin is available at:

Publishing house:

State educational establishment of higher professional education Voronezh state technical University


14, Moscow Avenue, Voronezh, 394026


