
Requirements for the articles

The journal publishes original papers, thematic reviews on issues of practical and theoretical biology and medicine. The article should be written in modern scientific language using common concepts and terms, the main idea of the work, contain a clear statement of the research methodology and discuss the results. The title of the article should fully reflect its content and main text, it is desirable to structure using headings: INTRODUCTION, THEORETICAL ANALYSIS, METHODS, EXPERIMENTAL, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, REFERENCES.

To the paper included: a cover letter, an expert opinion, information about the authors indicating the position, place of work, service, or home address (with postal code), phone, E-mail.

In order to improve the presentation of publications Editorial Board asks authors to send articles to be guided by the following rules:
1. The manuscript of the total volume of 4-10 pages. Should be submitted in 2 copies in A4 format, printed font Time New Roman Cyr at 1 spacing and disk CD-R (CD-RW) (editor Word).
2. Document pages should have the following margins: top - 2 cm; bottom - 2.5 cm; Right - 2 cm; left - 2 cm. The first page of the text of a UDC (in the upper left corner of the sheet on the field, font size 12, italics), title (centered, in capital letters, font size 12, bold), initials and surname of the author (not more than 4) (font size 12, bold), the name of the organization (size 12, bold, italic), abstract (150-250 words, font size 10) and keywords (font size 10), which are separated by blank lines. The following is the text of the article (font size 11), formula (font size 11), and cited literature (font size 11). The text of the article and the quoted literature are on the sheet in two columns wide by 8 cm each (between columnar distance of 1 cm). 
3. The tables are located in the text. If an article of multiple tables, the table name to the right write "Table 1 (2, 3, etc.)" (size 11). Reference is made to the table as follows: "Tab. 1 (2, 3, etc.)". 
4. Making drawings in a format BMP. GIF, JPEG. Captions are not included in the figures, but has a separate text with font size 11 under the picture. If the article several drawings, before writing the name "Fig. 1 (2, 3, etc.)." A link to the drawing made as follows: "Fig. 1 (2, 3, etc.)."
5. Indention of 0.8 cm should start after entering the (automatic). 
6. Used in the terms, units and symbols should be accepted. All authors employed the notation (with the exception of well-known constants), and abbreviations should be defined at their first mention.
7. Formulas are numbered in parentheses (2), footnotes - Arabic numerals.
8. All the literary references in the material must be specified in square brackets [2]. 
9. At the end of the article after the references are located translated into English: the title of the article (in capital letters, font size 11, bold), initials and surname of the author (s) (font size 11, bold), the name of the organization (size 11, bold, italic ), abstract (150-250 words, font size 10), keywords (font size 10) and bibliography(font size 10).

Article received by the editorial board, reviewed. For the accuracy of the information contained in the articles responsibility of the authors of publications. Editorial opinion may not coincide with the views of the authors of materials. At a reprint the reference to the journal is obligatory. The materials are published in author's edition.