

Founders of the journal:
Russian academy of natural sciences named after V.I. Vernadskii,Voronezh State Technical University

ISSN 1682-6523
Index: 41892
Frequency of publication - 4 issues per year.

The journal is registered by Ministry of Russian Federation on press, tele- and radio broadcasting and mass communications media. Certificate of registration of mass media information PI 77-12899 issued 17 of June 2002

The journal is included into the list of the leading peer-reviewed journals and publications,that are recommended for publishing key scientific results of the dissertations for doctor and candidate degree-seekers

Subject Headings of the journal:
- Clinical picture. Methods of diagnostics and treatment
- Algorithmization, modelling and management of processes of diagnostics and treatments. Information technologies in biomedicine
- Assessing health status of the population. Delivery of medical care to the population

Editorial address:
394026, Russia, Voronezh, Vatutina str. 1, Voronezh State Technical University Building 5, Room 305.
Phone/fax: 8 (473) 246-76-99. E-mail:

Responsible secretary: Korovin Evgeniy Nikolaevich