
Actual Issues of Modern Philology and Journalism

Actual Issues of Modern Philology and Journalism

ISSN 2587-9510

Subscription index in the United catalogue «Press of Russia» - 34121

 Founder and publisher:  Voronezh State Technical University (VSTU)


Expansion territory – Russian Federation.

Main subjects:

  • Linguistics;

  • Literary text: aspects of study;

  • Language and culture studies;

  • Intercultural communication;

  • Concept studies;

  • Journalism in historical and theoretical aspect;

  • Language of mass media;

  • Events and reviews. 


@ Actual Issues of Modern Philology and Journalism, all rights reserved.


The journal was founded in 2006 as the «Scientific Bulletin of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering», series «Linguistics and Intercultural Communication».

Since July 2017 it is published under the title «Actual issues of modern philology and journalism». Certificate of registration of PI No. FS77-70532 dated July 25, 2017.

It turns out 4 times a year.

The metadata of the published materials is posted on the website of the Scientific Electronic Library and included in the national information and analytical system of  Russian Scientific Citation Index.

Subscription index in the "Catalog of periodicals. Newspapers and magazines" GC "Ural Press" - 34121. Individuals can subscribe to the online store "Business Press" /.