
Publishing team

Editorial board of the journal

Chief Editor:

Safronov V.S., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Voronezh State Technical University

Research interests: structural mechanics, statistical dynamics, reliability theory and risk theory in the design of load-bearing engineering structures, reinforced concrete structures, nonlinear deformation.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honorary Worker of the Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Road Worker of the Russian Federation, Honorary Member of the Russian Society of Construction Engineers, author of more than 200 scientific publications, comprising 4 monographs on the theory of structures, including bridges.

Deputy Chief Editor:

Kozlov V.A., Dr. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University

Research interests: mechanics of deformable solids, structural mechanics, theory and analysis of shells of non-canonical forms, thin-walled prismatic structures of variable thickness, statics and dynamics of span structures of bridges.

Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, author of more than 90 scientific publications and 13 study guides and manuals on theoretical and applied mechanics, head of the Department of Structural Mechanics of VSTU.

Executive secretary:

Gabrielyan G.E., Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University

Research interests: structural mechanics, probabilistic methods of the theory of structures, calculation of culverts under embankments of roads, the theory of granular media and soils.

Members of the editorial board:

Antonov V.M. Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tambov State Technical University

Research interests: theory and practice of reinforced soils application, interaction of shallow foundations with reinforced ground base, foundation design in difficult ground conditions.

Belyaeva S.Yu., Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University

Research interests: metal elements of load-bearning frames of industrial buildings, calculation and construction of interface nodes.

Burenin A.A., Dr. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Research interests: mechanics of deformable solids, structural mechanics, mathematical analysis, creation and processing of materials and products.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Gridnev S.Yu., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Voronezh State Technical University

Research interests: dynamics of structures, structural mechanics, theory of the effect of moving loads on bridges during acceleration and braking, ponton bridge structures, tank truck vibrations.

Efryushin S.V., Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Voronezh State Technical University

Research interests: nonlinear structural mechanics, the theory of limit equilibrium, numerical methods of structural mechanics, optimization of engineering structures and transport structures, linear programming.

Director of the «MOSTY» («BRIDGES») Scientific and Technical Center, author of more than 50 publications on structural mechanics, including those published in central publishing houses.

Zverev V.V., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Lipetsk State Technical University

Research interests: load-bearing engineering structures made of volume-molded sheet metal, modern methods of design of steel load-bearing structures

Advisor to RAASN, corresponding member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Problems, member of the Scientific Council for Metal Structures of the RAASN, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Head of the Department of Metal Structures.

Kirsanov M.N., Dr. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute"

Research interests: structural mechanics, elasticity theory, complex rheological media, differential equations, discrete mathematics applications in applied mechanics.

Member of the Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, author of more than 150 publications, including 12 monographs and textbooks on mechanics and mathematics, published in central publishing houses. In addition to other duties he works at the Department of elasticity theory of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Kolchunov V.I., academician of RAASN, Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, South-West State University

Research interests: development of new effective energy and resource-saving spatial structures from nonlinearly deformable anisotropic materials, development of the theory and methods of their calculation, experimental studies and rational design, development of the theoretical foundations of structural safety of load-bearing systems.

Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Builder of Russia, Honored Worker of Sciences and Technology of the Russian Federation, twice Laureate of the Prize of the Russian Federation Government in the field of science and technology, member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission, member of the academic council of RAASN. Head of the Department of Unique Buildings and Structures. Published more than 200 scientific papers, received more than 20 patents and copyright certificates. The author of a number of new effective structures widely used in construction.

Korobko A.V. Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Orel State University

Research interests: geometric methods for solving engineering problems of structural mechanics and elasticity theory, structural mechanics of plates, geometric modeling of the shape of a region in two-dimensional problems of elasticity theory

Mikhailov V.V., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Lipetsk State Technical University

Research interests: calculation of prestressed hybrid and cable structures, operational suitability assessment, assessment of the bearing capacity reserves of buildings and structures.

Head of the Department of Construction Operation

Nguyen Dinh Hoa, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, National University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam

Research interests: nonlinear deformation of load-bearing engineering structures of buildings and structures made of reinforced concrete and metal, development of methods of reliability theory and risk theory for structural analysis.

Nuguzhinov Zh.S., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kazakh Multidisciplinary Reconstruction and Development Institute of the Karaganda State Technical University, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Research interests: structural mechanics, development of methods for analysis and designing engineering structures, engineering safety of structures, risk assessment and reliability studies of engineering structures.

Director of the research, expert and design-and-survey multidisciplinary Institute of reconstruction and development of Kazakhstan (KazMIRD). Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Builder of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ovchinnikov I.G., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Saratov State Technical University

Research interests: design theory of structures interacting with aggressive environments. Methodology for the construction and study of design models of structures exposed to the destructive effects of aggressive environments.

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Full member of the International Academy of Higher Education Sciences, of the Russian Academy of Transport (RAT), the Housing and Communal Academy of the Russian Federation, the Russian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics, the Academy of Quality Problems of the Russian Federation, the Academy of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Federation, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM).

Pshenichkina V.A., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Volgograd State Technical University

Research interests: theory of reliability of load-bearing engineering structures interacting with a soil foundation, estimation of the residual life of structures, the use of probabilistic methods in the design of load-bearing engineering structures interacting with a soil foundation.

Head of the Department of engineering structures, foundations and reliability of structures.

Sventikov A.A., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Voronezh State Technical University

Research interests: hanging spatial structures, large-span coverings of industrial and administrative buildings, consideration of physical and geometric nonlinearity in strength calculations

Treshchev A.A., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Tula State University

Research interests: theory of materials with different resistances, prone to dilatancy in the elastic and plastic areas of deformations, taking into account anisotropy and corrosion embrittlement; analysis of the stress-strain state of engineering structures of complex configuration and structure exposed to aggressive environments, the design of spatial reinforced concrete structures taking into account cracks, the theory of multilayer slabs and shells.

Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation, Member of the National Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Head of the Department of Construction, Building Materials and Structures.

Turishchev L.S., Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Polotsk State Technical University, the Republic of Belarus

Research interests: theory of stability of bar systems taking into account physical and geometric non-linearities, structural vibrations, innovative educational technologies in universities of the Republic of Belarus

Shimanovsky A.O., Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, Belarusian State University of Transport, the Republic of Belarus

Research interests: theoretical and applied mechanics, theory of modeling engineering structures on a hydroelastic foundation.

Head of the Department of Technical Physics and Theoretical Mechanics.

Shitikova M.V., Dr. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Voronezh State Technical University

Research interests: mechanics of deformable solids, structural mechanics, wave dynamics, the theory of collisions of bodies, parametric vibrations, suspension bridges, dynamic stability, rheological media.

She specializes in the problems of continuum mechanics, physical acoustics, wave dynamics and nonsteady dynamics of load-bearing engineering structures, including hanging rod systems.

Editor: Lantyukhova N.N.