
Requirements for the Design of articles

Dear authors, please follow the rules for preparing articles for publication in a scientific journal.

1. The text of the article with a volume of 6-12 full pages of A4 format is submitted in electronic form, typed in MS Word version 7.0 and higher with 1 interval, Times New Roman font 12 pt. Margins: left and right - 2 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm.

2. UDC cipher (12 pt bold) is given in the upper left corner of the page.

3. Next, two columns (in Russian and English) provide information about the author of the article: place of work, academic title, position, contact phone number and e-mail.

4. After 1 interval, the initials and surname of the author are indicated in the center (12 pt bold).

5. The title of the article is printed in BOLD CAPITAL font 12 pt, center alignment without indent. The dot at the end of the name is not put. Before and after the name - a space of 1 interval.

6. Below the title is a brief abstract of the article, no more than 8 lines (10 pt normal, justified).

7. After the annotation, keywords (6-10 words and phrases) relevant to the article are given after 1 interval.

8. Below in English are the names of the authors, the title of the article, the abstract of the article and keywords.

9. The text is typed in Times New Roman font size 12 pt in 1 column. Alignment of the paragraph in width, indent of the first line of the paragraph (red line) -1.25 cm. Examples are in italics.

10. Graphs, drawings and photographs are mounted in the text after the first mention of them. The title of the illustrations (10 pt., normal) is given below them after the word "Fig." with serial number (10 pt., bold). If there is only one figure in the text, the number is not put. All drawings and photographs should preferably be presented in color; they must have good contrast and a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Avoid thin lines in graphs (lines should be at least 0.2 mm thick). Drawings in the form of photocopies from books and magazines, as well as poorly scanned ones, are not accepted.

11. The word "Table" with a serial number is placed on the right edge. The next line contains the table name (centered without indent) without a dot at the end. The only table in the article is not numbered.

12. The terms used in the work, units of measurement and symbols should be generally accepted. All designations and abbreviations used by the author should be defined at their first appearance in the text.

13. References to literary sources in the text are enclosed in square brackets [1, p.1]. The bibliographic list is given after the text of the article in Russian in accordance with the requirements of GOST. The sources are listed in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.

14. Bibliographic list. Font 12 pt regular.

15. The originality of the submitted text must be at least 80% according to the antiplagiat system.

16. Articles of graduate students and applicants must also be accompanied by a review of the supervisor on the article.

17. The editorial board reserves the right to select submitted materials.

18. Acceptance of articles does not guarantee its publication until the decision of the editorial board, about which the author will be informed (be careful when specifying the address for correspondence)

19. If the article is not made in accordance with the REQUIREMENTS for the design of articles, it cannot be published.

The application and the article are accepted in electronic form (in the form of a file attached to an email) at:

    Application form:

- Full Name

- Academic degree, academic title

- Place of work, position

- E-mail


394006 Voronezh, st. 20th anniversary of October, 84, room. 5302, tel. 8(473)271-50-04

Department of Philosophy, Sociology and History of VSTU

Pogorelsky Alexander Valerievich - (executive secretary of the journal "Problems of social and humanitarian sciences").


УДК 329.1/6

Воронежский  государственный технический университет

Voronezh State Technical University

Кандидат  исторических наук, доцент  кафедры философии, социологи и истории

Е. А.  Волкова

PhD in History, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Sociology and History Chair

E. A .Volkovа

Россия, г. Воронеж, тел. (473) 271-50-04;


Russia, Voronezh, tel. (473) 271-50-04;


                                                                      Е. А. Волкова


В статье рассматриваются  особенности постсоветской системной трансформации и национальный вопрос. Исследуя российскую историю, Г.П. Федотов приходит к заключению, что внутри одной культуры может происходить вызванная самыми различными внутренними и внешними причинами трансформация из преимущественно национальной в преимущественно сверхнациональную. Эта смена происходит благодаря изменениям в сознании элит и в государственной политике.

Ключевые слова: трансформация, национализм, культурная самоидентификация, радикализм  

                                                                      E. A. Volkovа


The peculiarities of the post-Soviet system transformation and the national question . Exploring the history of  Russia , GP Fedotov concludes that in one culture may be caused by a variety of internal and external causes of the transformation from a predominantly national in predominantly supranational . This change is due to changes in the consciousness of the elites and public policies.

Key words : transformation, nationalism , cultural identity , radicalism .