Inventors from Voronezh win a gold medal at International Exhibition of Inventions in Belgrade

23 июня 2021 Поделиться  
International Affairs

On June 1-3, 2021 the 36th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Design took place in Belgrade (the Republic of Serbia). The event was co-organized by the Association of Inventors of Belgrade and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.

A delegation from Russia was formed with the participation of the Committee on Inventive, Rationalization and Patent and License Activity of Association “League for the support of Defense Industry Enterprises” and International Salon of Inventions “Archimedes”.

An exhibition stand of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products was a great success among the broad scientific, technological and business community of Serbia and representatives of other countries. An international jury highly appreciated projects of the participants. Voronezh State Technical University presented a project “Hydrogen and air gas generator” (authors: D.P. Shmatov, T.A. Basharina, I.N. Rodiukov, K.V. Kruzhaev, V.S. Levin, S.N. Lymich, A.S. Ignatov). The development of VSTU scientists was awarded a gold medal and a diploma.

The event closed with a roundtable discussion between representatives of Russian and Serbian scientific and business communities on interaction in different scientific and technical spheres and strengthening business and friendly relations between the two countries.