Foreign students of VSTU celebrate Navruz

5 April 2023 分享  
International Affairs

Navruz is a traditional holiday of the arrival of spring among the Iranian and Turkic people. At the Voronezh State Technical University, foreign students annually prepare a program for students and university staff.

- I am glad to welcome you to this wonderful spring festival! We hold it annually within the walls of our university and always get a lot of positive feedback. Navruz has already become a landmark event, which is brightly celebrated by our students from other countries, - said Anton Vladimirovich Akopyan, Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Educational Activities.

Foreign students spoke about the traditions of the holiday, performed national songs and dances. The guests tasted the dishes of the Republic of Iraq, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. A wide variety of meat and tasty snacks were presented.

The guys all cooked it together. For us, an important rite is to cook with family or friends,” said a student from Bangladesh.

Also on this day, the guests of the event were able to see an exhibition of applied art.

– Foreign students of VSTU annually celebrate
Navruz. This is a great opportunity to share traditions, show yourself and your
nationality. Each person is proud of his affiliation, it is important for him
to tell about it, and the administration of the university provides the students
with such an opportunity. Not only foreign students of other nations can learn
something new here, but Russian students are always happy to join the diversity
of other peoples’ traditions,” shared Sadirzhanova Bonu, Chairman of the Youth
Council of the National Chamber under the Governor of the Voronezh Region.